In my experience i saw what people feel when they get results, i'm not talking about the imagine in the mirror, i'm talking about goals, everyone of us, in own mind have troubles, small troubles, big troubles, troubles that seem to hard to overcome, but everyone of us in the deep have a power, a big power to go ahead, to win, to get all the best. Sometimes people just need someone who can led them in to the deep, to show them how incredible power they have, is not a matter of help, it's a matter of connections, reactions, interactions, look the universe, sky are beautiful, are full of power, but they need a reaction to shine, as the universe we are connected to show our potential and our power, the physical exercise is not a mirror question, it's a process, the process which can help you to shine. I worked with a lot of people, old once, young once, men, women, everyone are different, but everyone shine when the get their goal, cause the get awareness about their power, mind and body, as the universe are connected, make them shine together because we live thanks to reactions and connections.